About Tzu-Hsuan



Learning music for 17 years, recorder, piano, vocal are in professional. Tzu-Hsuan graduated from music department in Taipei, she loves a lot of styles of music and learns them. She participated a lot of activities to train her skills as well as her recitals. 

Tzu-Hsuan Yang, a singer and a pianist, leads an active life as an educator and performer in Taiwan. She has given singing voice heath lecture in Taiwan. She finished her master degrees in piano performance and vocal performance at Illinois State University in 2020. She received her B.M. of vocal from the University of Taipei in 2016. She attended at Salzburg International festival and learned in Mezzo-soprano Helene Schneiderman's studio in 2015. She also performed at the University of Taipei, Yuanlin performance hall, Taiwan National music performance hall.

In 2018, she won an award Orpheus Music Club Scholarship . She attended musical theater "Side by side by Sondheim" in the ensemble in Vancouver, and learned with an actress Gina Chiarelli, and the opera singers Frederick Robert and Alan Corbishley. Currently, she is part of the Midwest Institution Opera (MIO) as an emerging singer. She also performed "The tale of Hoffman" and "The Pirates of Penzance" with MIO in Illinois where she learned in the master class with Dr. Patricia Sheridan as well 2018. She performed La Ciesca in Puccini's Gianni schicchi  as her debut. 2019 summer, she sang Puccini's La Bohème and be the understudy Mimi, and Strauss The bat with Midwest Institute Opera, and worked with Salt Creek Chamber Orchestra. She performed Mozart's Don Giovanni and be Zerlina in 2020 summer.

She studied voice with Yao-zheng Chen, Li-Chiu Lan, Chia-Rong Hsieh. Currently, she has been studying vocal with Mr. Thomas Studebaker. While singing takes up the bulk of her stage time, she still got the chance to share her piano skills. She enjoyed accompanying fellow singers in performance and loved being a pianist during 2016-2017 in the hospital. She studied piano with May-Ling Wu, Yao-Zheng Chen, Shiu-Ting Wang, Thomas Linde, Shu-Chi Quo, and Joanna Ting. Now she studies with Dr. Tonnu Tuyen.

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